Monday, November 11, 2013

Writers Need People--Specifically People Like This

Hey everyone! This is a recent Facebook post from my brother, just in case you needed further proof that my family is awesome.

Story Time! Before I start I need to tell you about the awesomeness that is Quik Trip. Quik Trip is like the shopping mall of gas stations. It's huge, extravagantly designed, and has an array of food choices inside. Among them are the most amazing taquitos and the best frozen coffee I have found anywhere. The best part is, the food is cheap. It's like finding Hollister clothing at a Goodwill. It's that good!

It was 10:30 in the pm and I wanted donuts. Only problem is, nothing is open that late. I tried looking for something to good I could get around the area but found nothing. I suddenly remembered that a Quik Trip opened a little closer to where I lived. The last one was an hour away and this one was 45 minutes away. But I didn't care, I love Quik Trip and the last time I was there was a year ago. 

I left at 10:45pm and got there, bought my frozen coffee and two taquitos and proceeded to head back home. My night had been made! But, on the way back Mr. Deputy of Butts County stopped me because apparently I had a headlight out. And as every officer does, he asks where I was going and what I was doing out so late. After telling I was going home after driving 48 miles just to go to Quik Trip, he got suspicious. Mr. Deputy of Butts County couldn't believe I would drive 45 minutes just to go to a gas station. What I couldn't get him to understand was that I did not go to just any gas station. I went to THE Quik Trip. The place where the best taquitos, the best coffee, and the fastest customer service could be found.

Mr. Deputy of Butts County made it sound like I had driven 45 minutes just to get a pack of gum. You can't find the kind of frozen coffee or taquitos Quik Trip has anywhere else! He then proceeded to assume I was carrying drugs! I was offended! My appreciation for a certain kind of coffee and Mexican food was found suspicious and I was accused of carrying drugs! He didn't search my car, but he did ask if I had anything that he should know about and that if he did search the car and find anything I would be in trouble.

People can ride a unicycle through the city dressed as Gandalf playing the bagpipes, but my particular affinity for good frozen coffee and taquitos that you can ONLY find at Quik Trip is suspicious and therefore I must be carrying drugs. Thanks Mr. Deputy of Butts County.

Yep! :) This is why I'm a writer.

1 comment:

  1. Lol! I heard about his drive to the Quick Trip....that has to be a very special blend of coffee! :P
    yep, it's times like this that make the best stories!
